Marathon Training: Week 4

What a busy, busy week! Although I am still running around like a chicken with it's head cut off, I managed to find time between Christmas cooking and gift giving to share with you my marathon training week.

91 Mile AM
5 Mile PM
1 Mile AM
2 Mile AM
5 Mile PM
1 Mile AM
5 Mile PM

I already shared my Sunday run with you, so I will skip on to Monday. I woke up 15 minutes early just to get a mile in before work. Just a couple of weeks prior, I did the same thing and found it to be a great way to start my day. I am now making the effort to do it every day during the week, excluding Friday. I feel that I should have at least one day off from running!

It was difficult at first, mainly with the waking up part, but I followed the schedule. It wasn't until Wednesday when I began to wonder if this new schedule was actually improving my PM runs. I finally got under a 45 minute 5 mile time. That was something I have wanted for weeks. My body just wasn't having it before.

But I did even better on Thursday...

I went on a night run that had nothing but positive splits each mile, but still, that time is a 3 minute improvement from where I wanted to be for weeks!!! I plan to keep the morning mile to see if this time improvement continues and will definitely keep you updated with the details!

Saturday, I woke up to 50 degree weather, an amazing temperature for the winter solstice. I was very pleased because I had a 15 mile long run planned. It had been a while since I finished such a large distance, so I set my pace expectation for 10 minutes/mile.

As you can see, I did 3 seconds better!

It was a challenge, to say the least! There is an area of the trail that is made of concrete, so the snow had yet to melt from that portion. I was forced to trek through snow and ice, which really slowed me down. Time was definitely not a priority at that point. I was more concerned about slipping and falling into the Potomac River! Still, I was extremely satisfied with my finish time since it was better than my goal. It was a great way to end week 4!

Though I have been busy with holiday activities and a doctor's appointment this week, I have managed to run every day to keep off the cookies I have been shoveling into my mouth. I will get into the details once the week has come to it's end, but it has been pleasant! I hope each of you are  enjoying your holiday season as I have mine! And if I don't write a post tomorrow, I wish you all a safe and Merry Christmas!!!

How do you feel about running before work? 

How was your long run this week? How many miles did you do? Was there any snow?

What is your favorite holiday treat? 
- Mine is COOKIES!

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