New Year's Resolutions...A Month Early

After a week off from all exercise, I resumed this week with some P90X. It may sound a bit aggressive since this is my downtime, but I have a goal. In fact, this has been a lifetime goal that I have yet to achieve. And I thought now, more than ever, would be the perfect time to start achieving that goal. Why wait until the New Year, right?

Anyway, the goal is to get and maintain some abs. I figured that if I can have the mental and physical strength to run 50 miles, then I can do this. The goal is not specific to just getting abs. I want to be toned from head to toe, but I figured once the abs show through, that means I have truly accomplished getting into the shape I wanted to be in.

So, that's where P90X comes in. I am majorly modifying their "Classic" workout schedule. Since I intend on running again after another week off, I will remove a lot of the cardiovascular workouts from the schedule. I mainly want to use this to build up my overall muscle tone and of course, use the ab ripper to get some killer abdominals because I surely do not have them now!

The before...

I also have hopes that this will not only help me achieve the physical appearance that I want, but also mold me into a better, faster, stronger runner. I have never been disappointed in my performances, but I would love to achieve some of the time goals I have always wanted. I would love to have a 1:45 half marathon, a sub 4 hour marathon, and a 22:00 5k. I've been close, but I need an extra push. I can't do that with my past training plans alone.

My exercise isn't the only plan that is being revamped though. My diet needs modified too. It seems that in the last month or two, I have become really sensitive to sugar. If I have too much, my heart starts to race and keeps me up at night. This isn't just restricted to sugary snacks. I have had issues after eating fruit.

As much as I hate to modify what used to be normal to me, I want to feel better and sleep well. So I am replacing sugary foods and trying to eat more veggies in their place. I am not removing sugar completely, however. This has had negative side effects in the binge eating. I just gotta have a lot less. At least until I gain some control over the issues I am having.

So that's what's up in my world lately. I really hope that I can stick to the P90X workouts because right now, just after 2 days, I am sore as hell!!! Just 88 more days left!

Have you ever combined P90X with your running? Did it improve performance?

Have you completed the full 90 days of P90X? Share your results!

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