Weekly Recap: The Food, Fitness, and Results!

Wow! Another successful week is over and I am very proud of myself.

Although I have been OD'ing on nuts, I have stayed very healthy with all meals, including snacks. I have also attended every workout that I planned and killed each of them! So let me rewind through the highlights of my week and what I accomplished! :)

Food Recap
I stuck with the meal plan I shared with you last week! Leftovers from dinners served as lunches the next day and all that remained was frozen. Here were some of our favs from the week!

Quinoa Pizza Casserole - Who would have thought that soaked cashews blended up would be so YUM!

A photo posted by Lindsey (Run Freckles Run) (@lindseyszakacs) on

Spiced Chickpeas with Spinach - We've had this before and LOVED it. So we had to have it yet again! I recommend this meal to everyone!

Pesto Chicken Bake - I personally didn't take a picture (I was really hungry), but you can surely check out the deliciousness from SkinnyTaste. And her pesto is to die for!

Chipotle Cocoa BBQ Burgers - This was kind of a cheat meal because it did have sugar in the BBQ sauce, but I made sure it was as minimal as possible and used less than what was called for. I also didn't put in as many of the chipotle peppers. Next time I won't do it with the adoba sauce. Oops!

Picture from Runner's World Meals on the Run

Ours didn't look like the above, which is why I took their picture. :)

The other meals weren't bad, BUT they didn't really tickle our tastebuds like we would have liked so we will not be adding them into our list of meals to make again.

So what did I notice after week 3 of my clean up? Well my skin is clearer...

A photo posted by Lindsey (Run Freckles Run) (@lindseyszakacs) on

I have officially stopped wearing my Arbonne Mineral Powder because I don't feel like I need it. I still moisturize on a daily basis because it is winter and I dry up like a raisin. But if I don't have to wear makeup, I'm not going to. I've honesty just been sticking with mascara and lip gloss.

I also reintroduced alcohol to my life. I did my research on which wines had the least amount of residual sugar and chose a pinot grigio. I was surprised that even though it contained < .5 grams of residual sugar per serving, it tasted like dessert to me! I guess that's what happens when you don't eat sweets and remove added sugar!

Fitness Recap
Like the meal plan, I was able to stick to the fitness plan as well. I started my modified P90X3 schedule this week so I could start building towards that muscular build I have always wanted.

A photo posted by Lindsey (Run Freckles Run) (@lindseyszakacs) on

My thoughts so far is that I need heavier weights. Though my 5 and 10 pound dumbbells serve well for some of the moves, but I feel like it's nothing for others. As I mentioned in a previous post, I just went ahead and bought the Bowflex dumbbells and am awaiting their arrival.

I also am awaiting for my equalizer bars to arrive. I bought these primarily to serve as a way to be a substitute to a pull up bar. I hope that my purchases will allow me to really excel at P90X3 as we continue.

I also stuck to my running routine. I run 4 days a week compared to 5 like I used to. I feel that with the cross-training, 5 days may be over-doing it. Besides, I like giving my body a break after each weekday run. It has really helped me keep from burn out. This week I ran 6.2, 5, 5, and 13.1!

A photo posted by Lindsey (Run Freckles Run) (@lindseyszakacs) on

Finally, I have been killing it at Yoga Camp. Sure, my moves may not scream "I'm a yoga pro" but the fact that I do show up to my mat on a daily basis is something I am really proud of! Today was Day 15 so that means I am halfway through my streak. Awesome!

A video posted by Lindsey (Run Freckles Run) (@lindseyszakacs) on

So after a week of weights, running, and yoga, do I notice a difference? Well, I'm sore if that counts. But no physical changes regarding muscle growth. Of course, a week of P90X3 is not going to show through after 1 week. So I will more than likely do a 4 week check in on this side of things, or unless I notice changes occurring.

Anyway, I am already into my next week but I will share more about that tomorrow! Stay turned to see what's ahead! :)

What yummy, healthy meals did you make this past week?

What changes have you noticed when you eat healthier?

What exercises did you get into? 

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